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Coach K in Support of Fair Pay to Play Act

by Austin Silvey @SilveyESP

Duke MBB Coach K at ACC Media Day (October 8, 2019) // Photo by Austin Silvey

California Governor Gavin Newsom passed a bill on September 30 that will allow players to earn money off their names and likeness, starting in 2023.

Over the last week there have been a multitude of opinions being tossed around from national media to your local bartender.

At #ACCMediaDay on Tuesday, October 8, Duke basketball coach, Mike Krzyzewski, addressed the topic when asked about it.

"One, I'm glad it happened....this is a complex issue. There's not a single answer. By the time this season's over, you're gonna see dozens of states passing this legislation."

To his point, nearly a dozen states have already begun to discuss implementing similar bills including Colorado, South Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington.

"It's really a sign that we probably have not adapted over the last few decades....This needs to be looked at as a total package as what's right for the students. And how it compares to students who don't play basketball and their rights."

"What does it do to the collegiate model? There are a number of people who don't want to change anything. I think we need to look at that."

"We need to stay current with what's happening. I'm glad it was passed because it pushes the envelope, pushes the issue....Let's take a look at all the things that need to be done. Will we do them? How can we do them?"

"I'd like to have a bunch of people get together over a period of time and play catch-up with what we probably should have been doing more of a decade or two ago....Where are these kids gonna be marketed and developed?"

"We need to not have our head in the sand. We've had our head in the sand a lot for college." - Coach K


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