via SCHSL Communications
“Good Afternoon, The COVID-19 Virus has certainly altered the many traditional ways that we are working with our students and athletes.
The SCHSL recognizes that many of your student-athletes would like to continue working with their coaches within the limits provided by Executive Order of Governor McMaster.
All member schools (Middle and High) can offer strength and conditioning workouts to your athletes using any media platform that allows for you to conduct workouts provided it does not require athletes and/or coaches to gather in one location.
Additionally, workouts that are put on paper, or weekly workouts that can be distributed and followed by athletes at home are also acceptable. These workouts cannot be mandatory, and any virtual workout led by a coach must take place after “normal” school hours to continue to respect the academic load that each student still carries.
As part of the guidelines, all distance learning workouts (conditioning and/or sport-specific) must be approved by the local school district after review of all possible health risks and legal ramifications.
Sports that are currently in season (Spring Sports) may offer sports specific training in addition to conditioning through a video platform that you choose provided that, it does not require athletes and/or coaches to gather in one location.
Cheer, which is in open season may do sports specific training, except for stunting and tumbling as these are a safety risk for the athlete.
At this time cheer will not be allowed to have any type of tryout. Sports that are in closed season may offer strength and conditioning activities only. Any sports specific training or gathering of athletes and/or coaches will be viewed as a violation of closed season rules and regulations for those that are still in closed season.
Athletes and coaches are still encouraged to follow the guidelines for social distancing as well as the Executive order of the Governor. While many are eager to get back together and start working again, we cannot stress enough that coach(s) and/or athlete(s) must not meet in person or groups to conduct these training sessions.
One on one activities and use of school facilities will not be permitted. The SCHSL continues to think of you during this difficult time and our staff is available to answer any questions you may have.“
— Jerome Singleton, Commissioner