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UPDATED: SCHSL Statement on CoronaVirus (04.02)

by SCHSL Media Communications

SCHSL: COVID-19/Coronavirus update

(as of April 2, 2020)

The interruption of spring sports is an unwelcomed and ongoing challenge of the COVID-19/ Coronavirus crisis. During today’s teleconference, the South Carolina High School League Executive Committee continued to weigh options that comply with Governor McMaster’s Executive Order stating South Carolina schools remain closed through April; thereby suspending all SCHSL athletic activities through the end of April.

Our partnership with the academic community will determine what the future holds for our member schools and spring sports season. We are remaining idle for a statewide update on school closures by the Governor’s Office as well as the State Department of Education.

As far as the suspension of all contests, practices, workouts (conditioning and strength training), and/or open season skill development, League staff is working diligently to create options for the possibility of virtual conditioning. All avenues to keep our students and coaches active during this postponement are being explored. Once we develop an acceptable remedy to following health and safety guidelines while allowing a virtual option, we will distribute complete details to member schools immediately.

"We are still following the guidelines and parameters set by state and national governing bodies. It is our hope to not have to cancel the season and be able to take advantage of all dates at our disposal once schools reopen. We are excited at the idea of providing another form of interaction between our coaches and student-athletes that will keep them safe but also allow fellowship and conditioning."

"We must seek avenues digitally and virtually that can improve the separation anxiety some may be experiencing. These are trying times that require some innovative methods to conquer," states Commissioner Jerome Singleton.

We ask that you continue to follow the advice of medical professionals, while maintaining communication with your local education leaders.

Next scheduled SCHSL Executive Committee meeting: April 22, 2020 to review Spring sports schedule and the status of COVID-19/Coronavirus


SCHSL: COVID-19/Coronavirus update

(as of March 25, 2020)

In accordance with the Executive Order by Governor McMaster, all South Carolina public schools are closed until the end of April. This includes SCHSL member schools with private schools strongly encouraged to follow suit. The South Carolina High School League must also suspend all sports activities during this school closure order.  This suspension includes all contests, practices, workouts, tryouts (conditioning and strength training), and/or open season skill development.

“We must continue the suspension of athletics not only as a necessary safety measure but to fully comply with the Governor’s Executive Order. We plan to have the SCHSL Executive Committee reconvene via teleconference on April 2, 2020, to review the Spring sports schedule. It saddens me to say at this time, there is not a prediction on when middle and high school athletics will resume,” states Commissioner Jerome Singleton.

The COVID-19/Coronavirus has spread across South Carolina and the nation with social distancing being critical to halt its rapid infection rate. School athletics is not a primary concern when compared to the health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches, their families or fans. We ask that you continue to follow the advice of medical professionals, while maintaining communication with your local education leaders.

We can’t begin to share our sincere appreciation for your patience and understanding while we wait and hope for an end to this global virus.

Next scheduled SCHSL Executive Committee meeting: April 2, 2020 via teleconference to review Spring sports schedule and the status of COVID-19/Coronavirus.


(as of March 16, 2020)

In accordance with the Executive Order by Governor McMaster, all South Carolina public schools are closed until the end of March. This includes SCHSL member schools with private schools strongly encouraged to follow suit. Regarding middle and high school athletics, the South Carolina High School League is suspending all Spring sport activities from March 16, 2020 through April 5, 2020. This suspension includes all contests, practices, workouts (conditioning and strength training), and/or open season skill development.

The COVID-19/Coronavirus is spreading across our state and nation with social distancing being critical to stop the spread. School athletics most certainly do not supersede the safety of our student-athletes, coaches, their families or fans. "In order to keep our student-athletes and the education community as safe as possible, stringent measures are now in place by order of the Governor’s Office.

We ask that all schools follow this Executive Order until further notice. We will reconvene via teleconference on April 2, 2020, to review the Spring sports schedule," states Commissioner Jerome Singleton. Please follow the advice of medical professionals as well as your state leaders, both educational and political. Our goal remains the same- to eradicate the COVID19/Coronavirus and keep our citizens as healthy as possible.

We thank you for your full cooperation and patience during these unprecedented times. A return to normalcy is dependent on how we proceed with caution and calm. Next scheduled meeting: April 2, 2020 via teleconference to review Spring sports schedule and the status of COVID-19/Coronavirus.


South Carolina High School League staff is staying abreast of all information pertaining to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) as it pertains to South Carolina middle and high school athletics. Today, the SCHSL Executive Committee met via teleconference to discuss the virus and state of SC member school athletic programs.

After a lengthy discussion, the committee decided to postpone any decision until a Superintendent’s conference call scheduled for Monday, March 16, 2020. Once the Superintendents meet, the SCHSL Executive Committee will reconvene via conference call to determine any changes to the spring sports season for our member schools.

The committee is weighing all aspects of the virus as well as school operations and extra-curricular activities to include athletics,” states Commissioner Jerome Singleton.

We are in regular contact with SCDHEC and SCHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee which is comprised of health and medical professionals from across the state. It is in the publics best interest to stay informed with CDC and SCDHEC websites and social media platforms. The links below are being updated regularly for public viewing:

Most importantly, please remain home if you are sick and avoid contact with other individuals to prevent the spread of this virus.



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